Quantum Condensed Matter Physics Course Page
Part II, Lent/Easter 2020/21 (Prof D A Ritchie)
Lectures will be recorded videos deposited on the Moodle site at the normal lecture times 10 am on Thursdays and 9am on Fridays during Lent Term. Easter term lecture times to be determined.
Solutions to Lecture problems will be recorded videos posted on the Moodle site.
There will be Question and Answer sessions on the lectures each week on Friday as 10am-11am until 12th March. Zoom Link below.
Students should feel free to email questions to Prof Ritchie at dar11@cam.ac.uk.
Q and A sessions: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 8029 4613
Passcode: 333376
Text books:
- J Singleton, Band Theory and the Electronic Properties of Solids.
- M Fox Optical properties of Solids.
- S H Simon, The Oxford Solid State Basics.
- C Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics.
- N W Ashcroft and N D Mermin, Solid State Physics.
In many key areas, the books by Singleton, Fox and Simon cover the course well. The books by Kittel and Ashcroft & Mermin are useful for those areas not covered as well as for background reading and context.
Links to synopsis, lecture notes, green book and problem sheets are available on the TiS - note that the book does not cover all of the current course.
Past exam papers:
Additional material:
Here are some of the original research papers referred to in the Course.
Hall effect in Aluminium and Indium
Scanning Hall probe microscopy
Copper, Gold, Silver specific heat
Thermal conductivity of diamond
Thermal conductivity of LiF (1)
Thermal conductivity of LIF (2)
ARPES Strontium ruthanate - experiment
ARPES strontium ruthanate - theory
Resistivity of pure metals at low T
Fractional quantum Hall effect 1