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Semiconductor Physics Group


Wladislaw did his Bachelor studies at the University of Augsburg, Germany, and completed his Master studies at the Walter-Schottky Institute of the Technical University of Munich. He then moved to the United Kingdom, where he did his PhD studies in Physics. He has received a number of scholarships and awards, including the Rudolf Diesel medal of the German Institute of Inventions and the George and Lillian Schiff scholarship at the University of Cambridge. Wladislaw’s research work includes experiments on semiconductor devices exploiting both classical and quantum physics on the basis of layered materials, self-assembled quantum dots, and two-dimensional electron gases, in frequency regions from radio-frequency, over far-infrared/terahertz, and into the near-infrared and visible ranges. Currently, Wladislaw is a Junior Research Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge. He is a member of a consortium of UK groups developing future high-speed terahertz communications within the EPSRC programme grant “TeraCom”. His team within the Semiconductor Physics Group at the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge works on the development of terahertz detectors, terahertz modulators, and terahertz optical technology.

Research Interests

Light-matter interaction, terahertz science and technology, low-temperature physics, quantum transport in magnetic fields
Low-dimensional electron systems, semiconductors, novel materials
Photoluminescence spectroscopy, surface acoustic waves

Read about our latest research here:

“One step closer to making terahertz technology usable in the real world”, Press release of the Department of Physics, 23/05/2022:

“Delivering and focusing radiation using cylindrical tubes”, Blog post on the website of the Department of Physics, June 2023:

Short biography

1997: Born in Regensburg, Germany

2012: A-levels at the Holbein Gymnasium in Augsburg, Germany

2015: Bachelor of Science at the University of Augsburg, Germany

2017: Master of Science at the Technical University of Munich, Germany

2017-2021: PhD studies in the Semiconductor Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK

2021: Research Assistant, Semiconductor Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK

2021 – now: Junior Research Fellow, Trinity College Cambridge, UK
2022 – now: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Semiconductor Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK


2021-2025: Junior Research Fellowship, Trinity College, University of Cambridge (

2017-2021: Full scholarship “George and Lillian Schiff Studentship”, University of Cambridge

2017-2020: Full scholarship “Honorary Vice-Chancellor's Award” of the Cambridge Trust, University of Cambridge

2018: Award “Best graduate of the Technical University of Munich in the Master programme Physics in the year 2017”

2016-2017: Scholarship “Deutschlandstipendium” (German national scholarship)

2013-2015: Scholarship “Deutschlandstipendium” (German national scholarship)

2012-2013: Scholarship “Max-Weber-Programm Bayern” (Max-Weber-Programme Bavaria)

2012: Rudolf Diesel Medal of the Diesel-Kuratorium of the Deutsches Institut für Erfindungswesen e.V. (D.I.E.) and of the Holbein-Gymnasium in Augsburg for the scientific term paper in chemistry (

2012: One-year long royalty-free membership in the German Physical Society in honour of very good school achievements in physics

2012: Award DMV-Abiturpreis 2012, one-year long royalty-free membership in the Association of German Mathematicians in honour of outstanding results in the Abitur mathematics exam

2011-2012: Scholarship “Talent im Land – Bayern” (“Talent in the country – Bavaria”;

2011-2012: Participation in the Programme Jugend Aktiv (“Youth is active”)


Key publications: 
  • R. Chen, R. Xia, J. Griffiths, H.E. Beere, D.A. Ritchie, and W. Michailow, “Photoelectric tunable-step terahertz detectors: a study on optimal antenna parameters, speed, and temperature performance”, Nanophotonics 2024, Invited paper for the ITQW Special Issue,
  • W. Michailow, N.W. Almond, H.E. Beere, D.A. Ritchie, “Cylindrical multimode waveguides as focusing interferometric systems”, ACS Photonics 10, 1756 (2023);
  • W. Michailow, P. Spencer, N.W. Almond, S.J. Kindness, R. Wallis, T.A. Mitchell, R. Degl'Innocenti, S.A. Mikhailov, H.E. Beere, D.A. Ritchie, “An in-plane photoelectric effect in two-dimensional electron systems for terahertz detection”, Science Advances 8, eabi8398 (2022);
  • S.J. Kindness, N.W. Almond, W. Michailow, B. Wei, L. Jakob, K. Delfanazari, P. Braeuninger-Weimer, S. Hofmann, H.E. Beere, D.A. Ritchie, R. Degl'Innocenti, “Graphene-Integrated Metamaterial Device for All-Electrical Polarization Control of Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers”, ACS Photonics 6, 1547 (2019);
  • W. Michailow, F. Schülein, B. Möller, E. Preciado, A. Nguyen, G. von Son, J. Mann, A. Hörner, A. Wixforth, L. Bartels, and H. Krenner, “Combined electrical transport and capacitance spectroscopy of a MoS2 – LiNbO3 field effect transistor”, Applied Physics Letters 110, 023505 (2017)
  • E. Preciado, F.J.R. Schülein, A.E. Nguyen, D. Barroso, M. Isarraraz, G. von Son, I-H. Lu, W. Michailow, B. Möller, V. Klee, J. Mann, A. Wixforth, L. Bartels, H.J. Krenner: “Scalable fabrication of a hybrid field-effect and acousto-electric device by direct growth of monolayer MoS2/LiNbO3”, Nature communications 6, 8593 (2015);



Other publications: 

For a full list of publications, please visit the Google Scholar web page:

Teaching and Supervisions


Michaelmas 2019: “Electrodynamics and Optics” (Part II, Cavendish Laboratory)

Easter-Lent 2018: “Quantum Condensed Matter Physics” (Part II, Cavendish Laboratory)

Winter term 2015/16: “Mathematics Preparation Course” (Univ. of Augsburg)

Winter term 2014/15: “Mathematical Concepts I” (Univ. of Augsburg)

Research supervision: 

PhD students (2021-now):

Ran Chen, Ruqiao Xia, Matthew Tan

MRes students (2023-now):

Zhe Wang, Matthew Anderson


Yingxu Li (MRes, 2023)

Junior Research Fellow
Trinity College
Cavendish Laboratory
Photo of Dr. Wladislaw Michailow

Contact Details

Email address: 
Room 334
Mott Building
Takes PhD students
Not available for consultancy
